Photo Surveys

During the site survey at each installation site, we photograph each square of the 600m2 area of the forest. The photographs are stitched together by hand, creating a composite image that act as both a reference point and visual representation of the forest floor.

Site Ecology Maps

Following our site ecology survey at each of the Living Symphonies locations, we aggregate the survey data to produce a precise spatial map of the flora inhabiting our 600m2 area…

Thetford: Prototype Survey

The visual result of the prototype survey of the first site for the 2014 Living Symphonies tour, made from stitching together photographs of each of the 600 square metres that we surveyed in August.

Thetford: Research Trip #3

An exhausting but fruitful day on Tuesday when we surveyed the whole Thetford 30m by 20m installation site, all 600 square metres of it.


Using LiDAR to discover the mythical ‘White City’ in the rainforest of Honduras and Nicaragua.